In fact, CONUS404 includes 41 years of data (water years 1980-2020) and the spatial domain extends beyond the CONUS into Canada and Mexico, thereby capturing transboundary river basins and covering all contributing areas for the CONUS surface waters. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Mission Area. CONUS404, so named because it covers the CONtiguous United States for 40 years at 4-km resolution, was produced by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model simulations run by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) as part of a collaboration with the U.S.

If you invest in RnD in the later rounds, you will.CONUS404 is a unique, high-resolution hydro-climate dataset appropriate for forcing hydrological models and conducting meteorological analysis over the contiguous United States. The Glo-Bus Simulation Game is a rolling powerhouse for whoever lowers their costs first. Watch the.ĭebt Financing – The Strategy to Improve Your Score in Every Way!īy | | Classic Glo-Bus, New Glo-Bus, StrategyBuy Back Shares Early- Debt Financing Buying back shares is one of the only “tips” you can do in the game that will instantly guarantee you a higher score because it increases almost every metric you’re graded on Increases your Earnings Per Share dramatically.īy | | Classic Glo-Bus, New Glo-Bus, StrategyInvesting money into research and development now allows multiple years to enjoy the investment. This seemingly meaningless element is actually your compass to knowing if what you did last year was successful or not. Retailers Is the Compass to Success and Failureīy | | Classic Glo-Bus, New Glo-Bus, StrategyOn the marketing screen, the field where it shows the number of retailers is a set value that you can not change in the current year. Do not Automatically Think Lower Price is Better Certainly lowering prices increase demand, but by doing so, you lose profitability and thus force other.

These are proven strategies you can use to beat out most competitors.

Having the highest-paid employees in the industry will make you the most.īy | | Classic Glo-Bus, New Glo-Bus, StrategyHere are my best tips regarding pricing. The Glo-Bus Simulation is no different, so don’t cheap out on the incentives, fringe benefits or wage increases. By | | Classic Glo-Bus, New Glo-Bus, StrategyTreat your employees well, that’s what we all hear in business school.