Most antivirus detects any such issues and suggests you disable screen overlay or any other suggestions that you can do to improve your phone’s performance. You can either use free or paid antivirus on your app which will be enough to fix such issues. Sometimes screen overlay creates an issue that can be resolved using antivirus on your android mobile phone. You can also apply these tricks to other Android devices with your risk and responsibility. Here, we will list 3 easy solutions to overcome the screen overlay issue in the Samsung J7 devices. How to Turn Off Screen Overlay in Samsung J7? How to Turn Off Screen Overlay in Samsung J7?.When you are installing any new app, then do not run any app in the background. The same thing may happen when you are receiving this error message while installing a new app. This is what the “Screen Overlay Detected” error message is. It means Messenger is running on the top of the app that you are using. If we are using another app, even then the chat head will remain there.

We know that while sending or receiving any message, the chat head or pop-up comes on the screen. To understand this error, just look at an example of the Facebook Messenger app. You have installed many apps on the device, and that may cause such kinds of errors. The error message as Screen Overlay Detected mainly comes when you are trying to install a new app. It is helpful for all the devices because the process is the same, but many steps vary.

Here, the procedure we are mentioning is for Samsung J7, but it will apply to all the latest smartphones.

So, what to do when this type of error message appears? You will find the answer here in the discussion of How to Turn Off Screen Overlay in the Samsung J7. That message comes as “Screen Overlay Detected, to change this permission setting, you first have to turn off the screen overlay in Settings > Apps.” If you do not disable it then, the app will not install. Most of the users have seen that error message while installing a new app.

Have you ever got the pop-up as Screen Overlay Detected on your smartphone? Might be, all the users have the same answer, and it will be Yes.